Many people search for a wallpaper that is not only high quality but also suits their preferences. Here comes our cute animals wallpaper. Don’t you love cute kitties, baby dogs and yellow penguins? A lot of people have a preference for animal pictures and backgrounds, and most of the folks love animals, more often than not. Well, penguins aside, there are tons of nice animal photos online many of them available as free downloads around the net. But not anybody is a programmer. Well, we are and we love animals.
This is one of the reasons why we have created this animal themed chrome new tab bundle. This bundle has a collection of wallpapers with all different types of animals on them from cats to dogs, from birds to horses, from elephants to pandas.
In this extension, you will find some wallpapers that are cute and easy on the eyes while giving you a sense of peace.
Why Use This Unforgettable New Tab Theme?
This new tab theme for chrome is an amazing way to keep up with your favorite animal, whether it is a dog, cat, penguin or other. They provide you with peace of mind by allowing you to go into work or school without distraction.
How Does Cute Animals Wallpaper Work?
What do you see when you open a new tab? The New Tab Page (NTP) is the one that appears first. It’s the page that shows up every time you open the browser window.
Now go and install cute animals wallpaper from the chrome web store.
Like a magic, the New Tab Page has changed, and now includes an animal background with high quality (HD) resolution, different random image on every new tab.
The change is an attempt to make the NTP more personal to users by making it feel like their own space.
Every time you open a new tab, Chrome will be automatically refreshing your new tab page with one of these beautiful photos of cute animals. This will help make your NTP feel like your own private space.
To keep things pretty, we don’t add search boxes or any other widgets on the page, just several links in the corners that will never obstruct the beautiful background photos. Why on earth someone will want to create a wallpaper extension, then clutter it with tons of search boxes, weather widgets and whatever ne can think of. We believe in the power of the simple things and intentionally keep our new tab page extensions as simple and uncluttered as possible.
You wanted beautiful and relaxing photos of cute animals, and we give them to you. It’s that simple. And if you want to customize things even further — you can always go to the “options” page and select/deselect the menu items that you will see on the new tab page.
Now, let’s recap:
What’s in it for You?
- 170 high quality background photos of cute animals
- works offline, all these cute animals wallpaper pictures are stored on your computer
- additional options to customize the extension
- you can add it to your browser with two clicks
- you can remove it with a click, when you decide to change it, one they in the far future 😉
Want to see what it looks like before installing?
No problem, click the image below to visit the youtube preview, that should show you what too expect:

And don’t forget to check some of our other extensions (see the related posts boxes below) — even if you are not in the mood for this particular cute animals wallpaper pack, who knows, you may find some of the others listed here interesting (hint: we have dedicated birds wallpaper, for example)…